Better, Together.

Your financial well-being is our priority. Beyond our valuable products and services, we're happy to provide informative articles on a variety of financial topics, and tips you can put into action.

Andrea Rodrigues

Your Search for Hidden Treasure Starts Here!

If your tax refund isn’t going to be as much as you hoped for this year, consider these alternatives to fill your wallet with more money.

Andrea Rodrigues

Defend Yourself Against Cyber Crime

Remember that you are the first line of defense when it comes to protecting yourself from cyber crime.

Andrea Rodrigues

The Ins and Outs of Credit Reports

Did you know that you’re entitled to a free copy of your report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies every year?

Andrea Rodrigues
Money Management

Getting the Most Out of Your Tax Refund

Are you ready to tackle that age-old question – how do I maximize my tax refund? Good news! You don’t have to figure it out alone – we’re here to help!

Andrea Rodrigues

Aba Releases New Infographic on EMV Transition

Are you worried about the transition to EMV chip technology in cards? No need to stress, this new infographic released by the ABA will ease your mind.

Andrea Rodrigues
Money Management

Setting Goals Part of Financial Planning Process

Let’s look at setting realistic and achievable short-term and long-term financial goals for yourself.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Money Management

Putting Together a Personal Financial Statement

Preparing a personal financial statement will give you a good idea of what you own and what you owe, helping you to become more financially healthy.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues

Don’t Fudge It - Use a Budget!

Your review of your spending patterns should naturally reveal a “needs vs. wants” scenario.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Money Management

Resolve to Track Your Spending This Year

Experts point out that tracking your spending habits on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis is the first step in becoming more financially healthy.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Home Tips

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to 2016?

If you didn’t quite get where you wanted to be in 2016, the good news is that you have a whole new year to take on those challenges where you missed your mark.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Money Management

Put Meaning Into Gifts You Give This Year

If you believe giving is better than receiving, then consider taking that one step further by giving something meaningful this holiday season.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Home Tips

Keep the Chill Away Around Your House This Winter

Now’s a great time to assess what needs to be done to winterize your home, and then putting a plan into action. Here are some tips to get you off to a good start.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Money Management

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Coming Up - Are You Ready?

Are you ready to snatch up the deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Home Tips

Tie up Loose Ends Before the End of the Year

Before you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, take a step back and think of some things you should do before year’s end.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues

6 Ways to Protect Your Business From Business Email Compromise Scams

BankFive recommends the following tips to help businesses and employees avoid business email compromise attacks.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues

A Typical Card Cracking Scenario

In card-cracking scams, young adults (primarily students, newly-enlisted military, or single parents) are recruited to facilitate fraud against the bank.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues

How Does a Tokenized Transaction Work?

Tokenization technology is the latest in safeguarding a customer’s information against fraud.

Bank Five Blog
Andrea Rodrigues
Home Tips

Be Prepared at Home With a First Aid Kit

Accidents around the home can’t be planned. They just happen. But you can be prepared in advance should a mishap occur.